Random Configuration Files and Scripts
Herein find some random config files and scripts
Basically, these are a bunch of random config files and scripts off my
machine that may or may not be of use to anyone. When I was just beginning
Linux, it caused me [and still does] no end of hassle trying to work out
how in hell to do stuff, because it was so hard to find good examples
I'd love to hear from anyone who actually finds them of even remote
If you break your machine, it's not my fault. If you e-mail me, I'll be
happy to try and help you out... we all know the routine by now.
In short, there is no warranty
- E-mail Things
fetchmailrc Sanitised of passwords. Checks
two POP3 servers. I've actually stopped using this, now, but some people
may find it of use
A very small procmailrc that filters about two
.qmail this is what I'm using on icculus.org to
spamfilter. Note the Spam rule in procmailrc
muttrc. Since mutt is such a big thing to have to
configure [and until you've set it up at least a little, it's not so
great...], here's mine.
a vi wrapper that works for all versions of vi,
and wraps text at 70 columns. Yes, I know about the column width option
in vim, but that doesn't work for vanilla vi. This is what I use with
My old tinrc. I no longer use tin, since I found a
REALLY yummy patch for mutt that allows newsgroup access. But I've left
it here for good measure.
- User-Interface type things
vtwmrc I've moved onward and upward from twm,
and this is the config I now keep up to date. It's for VTWM, basically twm
with all the bits added in that I was previously missing [ie, a virtual
lynxrc that just sets more advanced bits, and goes
lynx.cfg which lets you background downloads,
and use mutt as your mail client, instead of that hideous built-in
thing. To use it, push "." when you're over the link/mailto that you
want to use the alternative tool for.
- System config file type things
XF86Config for my machine which has two nvidia
cards, a wheely-ps2-mouse, a random 17" monitor on the AGP card, and a
random 15" monitor on the PCI card.
fstab - this is mostly here for my own backup &
reference, but it does show how to mount samba shares and isos...
smb.conf nothing of genuine interest, just a
pretty minimal job.
lilo.conf again, nothing of genuine interest.
Pretty boring.
- Palm Things
This may be of interest. It
details some general how-to-make-your-palm-do-stuff things.
palmbackup - backs up all data on your palm. Note
that it's backing up over ppp, so you'll also want the script below
ppppalm - Start a ppp server for your palm to
connect to
- Random scripts
workwebcam.sh and psc.sh
- two random webcamalikes.
updatephoenix - I use this to update Phoenix
periodically. Most importantly, it's got 3 canonical URLs in it...
Gary (-;
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My Website Starts Here
This page last modified: 2003-08-27